Albert Callarisa Roca

Tech blog

Redis pipelined queries

04 Feb 2012

A few days ago I discovered a feature in the redis gem that is called pipeline.

In the code for this post I'll use REDIS as your redis connection. I use that because in most of the rails projects I've seen it's like that.

Standard way

Given a connection, you can perform a set of quieries like that:

5000.times do
  REDIS.lpush "test_#{rand(100)}", "hello world"
# About 3.3 seconds in heroku with redistogo

This pushes 5000 times the value "hello world" to a random key from test_0 to test_99 in the redis database. It can be improved doing only one mass-push fo each key, but even that you will run 100 queries.

If your redis database is remote, it will connect with the database 5000 times (or 100 with mass push), which will take some time just to perform the connection remotelly.

Pipelined way

To solve that problem, the redis gem have pipelined queries. Let's see the same code but pipelined:

REDIS.pipelined do
  5000.times do
    REDIS.lpush "test_#{rand(100)}", "hello world"
# About 0.1 seconds in heroku with redistogo

This looks the same, right? Well, internally REDIS is not performing the query at all, it's just saving the commands to an array. When the pipelined block is closed, it performs all the queued commands in one single connection.

What can't be done using pipelines

It sounds perfect but, like everything, has some cons. In a pipelined block you can't get the response of anything in redis because the request it's not performed when you call it.

In the following example we can't use pipelines:

5000.times do |i|
  value = REDIS.get("test_#{i}")
  REDIS.lpush("all", value)

The REDIS.get within a pipeline doesn't return the value, so we can't wrap inside pipelines anything that performs operations to get data and do something based on that data.